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Saltwater Pools

M&M Pools’ Saltwater Pool Construction service offers a modern and eco-friendly alternative to traditional chlorine pools, providing a luxurious swimming experience with less maintenance and fewer chemicals. Saltwater pools use a salt chlorinator to convert salt into chlorine, maintaining clean and clear water without the harsh effects of chemical chlorine.

Saltwater Pool Services

M&M Pools’ Saltwater Pool Construction service offers a modern and eco-friendly alternative to traditional chlorine pools, providing a luxurious swimming experience with less maintenance and fewer chemicals. Saltwater pools use a salt chlorinator to convert salt into chlorine, maintaining clean and clear water without the harsh effects of chemical chlorine. This system results in softer, smoother water that is gentler on the skin, eyes, and hair, enhancing your overall swimming experience. Our saltwater pools are designed to blend seamlessly with your outdoor space, offering a perfect combination of beauty and functionality.

Our experienced team at M&M Pools is dedicated to delivering top-quality saltwater pools that meet your specific needs and preferences. We handle every aspect of the construction process, from the initial consultation and design to the final installation and setup of the salt chlorination system. Using high-quality materials and advanced construction techniques, we ensure your saltwater pool is durable, efficient, and easy to maintain. Whether you’re looking for a sleek, modern design or a more natural, lagoon-style pool, we can create the perfect saltwater oasis for you and your family to enjoy. With M&M Pools, you can trust that your saltwater pool will be a stunning and sustainable addition to your home.

Revitalize Your Pool: The Benefits of Saltwater Pool Services by M&M Pools

Gentler Water: Saltwater pools provide a smoother, softer swimming experience that is less irritating to the skin, eyes, and hair.
Lower Maintenance: The salt chlorination system reduces the need for frequent chemical adjustments and handling, making maintenance easier and more convenient.
Eco-Friendly: Using salt to generate chlorine is a more environmentally friendly option compared to traditional chemical chlorine, reducing your pool’s ecological footprint.
Cost-Effective: Although the initial setup cost is higher, saltwater pools can save money over time due to lower chemical and maintenance costs.
Consistent Water Quality: The salt chlorinator continuously produces chlorine, ensuring consistent water quality and reducing the risk of algae growth.
Reduced Chemical Use: With a saltwater pool, you use fewer chemicals overall, creating a more natural and pleasant swimming environment.


Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

What is a saltwater pool?
A saltwater pool uses a salt chlorinator to convert salt into chlorine, maintaining clean and clear water without the need for traditional chemical chlorine. This system provides a more natural and gentler swimming experience.
What are the benefits of choosing a saltwater pool?
Saltwater pools offer softer, smoother water that is gentler on the skin, eyes, and hair. They require less maintenance, use fewer harsh chemicals, and provide a consistent and comfortable swimming environment.
How long does the saltwater pool construction process take?
The construction process for a saltwater pool typically takes 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the type of pool (gunite, fiberglass, or vinyl liner), design complexity, and weather conditions.
What is involved in the saltwater pool construction process?
The process includes an initial consultation, design planning, obtaining necessary permits, site excavation, pool construction (installing the pool shell or frame), plumbing and electrical work, setting up the salt chlorination system, and final touches like decking and landscaping.
Can any type of pool be converted to a saltwater pool?
Yes, most types of pools (gunite, fiberglass, vinyl liner) can be converted to saltwater pools by installing a salt chlorinator. Our team can assess your existing pool and provide recommendations for conversion.
What type of maintenance does a saltwater pool require?
Saltwater pools require less frequent chemical adjustments compared to traditional chlorine pools. Regular maintenance includes monitoring salt levels, cleaning the salt cell, and routine pool cleaning to keep the water balanced and the system functioning properly.
How durable are saltwater pools?
The durability of a saltwater pool depends on the type of pool (gunite, fiberglass, vinyl liner) and the quality of materials used. With proper maintenance, saltwater pools can be long-lasting and reliable.
What are the costs associated with saltwater pool construction?
The cost of constructing a saltwater pool varies based on factors such as the type of pool, size, design complexity, and additional features. We provide detailed estimates during the consultation phase to give you a clear understanding of the investment involved.